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Are you interested in organising Well-being at Work Card® trainings?

Partnership in providing Well-being at Work Card® training can be sought by:

The Centre for Occupational Safety manages the Well-being at Work Card® trainings and organizes two-day trainer training events. Applying for trainer training requires a valid partnership agreement.

The criteria for trainers include extensive knowledge of well-being at work, basic knowledge of occupational safety and health cooperation, and experience in training work communities. You can get more information about the partnership and instructions on how to apply to become a partner by sending an email to tyohyvinvointikortti@ttk.fi(you will be directed to another service)

Steps to apply for partnership to become Well-being at Work Card® training partner

Send an email expressing your interest to tyohyvinvointikortti@ttk.fi.

We will contact you within a week and provide information about the partnership, including:

  • Partnership requirements
  • Trainer criteria
  • Costs

Guidance on submitting a partnership application

Once the partnership requirements are met, the next steps are as follows:

  • Partnership agreement
  • Application for trainer training
  • Trainer training
  • Offering the Well-being at Work Card® trainings