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Additional materials for the Well-being at Work Card® training

More information about the training topics

Concept of well-being at work

Promotion of workload management and work ability

Well-functioning work community

Competence + interest = competence badge

Competence badges are a digital and visual way to showcase your own interests and competence. The Centre for Occupational Safety issues competence badges related to the key issues of occupational safety and well-being at work.

If you have a Well-being at Work Card®, you can apply for your own free competence badge. You are eligible for the badge if the training was organised by either the Centre for Occupational Safety or its partner.

As the badge-holder, you decide how you want to share the competence badge you have received. It can be attached, for example, to an electronic portfolio or CV. You can also share the badge on social media, such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

Are you interested in the competence badge? See the instructions for applying for the badge in the online service ttk.fi.(avautuu uuteen ikkunaan, you will be directed to another service)

The competence badge showcases your skills after the Well-being at Work Card® training. A competence badge is much more convenient to attach to a CV than a multi-page certificate. And it looks nice, too!

Päivi Nummenranta, Well-being at Work Card® Trainer